
Working Title was created by me (Kili) and Phil a couple years ago. I finally got it off the ground in 2003 (June). It's undergone quite a few changes in the mean time. I brought up the idea of doing a comic with Phil some time ago, but we slacked prodigiously. Example: it used to be called "2001: a Space Parody." Yeah. It's called Working Title because we couldn't figure out a title.

Phil, my costar-slash-co-writer, best bud, etc, complicated matters by moving to Fredericton (four time zones in the direction of England). So, okay, it wasn't completely voluntary, but hey: "meh." Needless to say, there was an impact on the rate of publication. Meh. But hey, once I get a scanner you will be assaulted by stupid geek jokes yet again. Ah well.


Picture, if you will, two nerdy geeks. Then, picture their nerdy adventures. Thus: Working Title was born.

Okay, maybe not. Truth is, the divide in distance and time (four hours! Four!) has hampered efforts to develop ongoing storylines, and lack of scanning equipment has hampered efforts to make new comics. There are longer term plans in place, but I'm keeping those under wraps. Because I'm pure evil. And such.

Actually, I'm currently developing the direction I want WT to take. Watch the news LJ for updates.